Discharge Before Period Is Good Or Bad For Health?

Vaginal discharge is a common way of protecting your vagina from infections. And throughout your menstrual cycle, the discharge might look different. You will notice a particular type of discharge before period, and that will become different after your period has just finished.

Each day, you might produce approximately a teaspoon of odorless, thin, or thick discharge. And the color can change to clear to brown to white.

The main reason behind all the natural changes in discharge is your hormones.

Apart from hormones, discharge can also be the result of several causes. Here is a guide for you on discharge before the period.

What Is White Discharge?

The main purpose of discharge is to keep the tissue in your vagina lubricated and healthy. The white discharge before the period is called Leukorrhea. It basically consists of cells and fluid that are being shed from the vagina and sometimes also might look slightly yellow.

This particular phase of your menstrual cycle is called the luteal phase. During this time, the progesterone hormone is at its peak in your body. During your menstrual cycle, when estrogen is your dominant hormone, the discharge is more likely to be stretchy, clear, or watery.

On the other hand, progesterone makes it white or cloudy. A lot of individuals use discharge as a method to track potential fertility. It is named the fertility awareness method or the natural family planning strategy.

Everything about it makes sense because in most cases when you notice this type of mucus you are no longer fertile. The time is; 

Between ovulation and the beginning of your period.

White Discharge Before Period: All You Need To Know

White Discharge Before Period

The white discharge we all women notice before our period is actually common. In most cases, you do not need to worry about it, and it is just a sign that your period is just about to start.

So, if you are planning a trip, make sure you are packing your tampons and hot water bag.

When it comes to our body signaling us that a period is on its way and will hit us in a couple of days, different individuals experience different things. For me, it is excessive leg pain and white discharge, along with lower abdomen cramps.

The cramp almost feels like real period cramps. Yes, almost! Because it is kind of a mini version of period cramps.

I know, just like me, there are other women who also experience white discharge before the period. And that is why I am here to guide you whether you need to worry or not about it. As I have told you earlier, most women have an increase in vaginal discharges a few days before their period starts.

The major reason behind this is some hormonal effects that cause an increase in mucus production in the vagina. In case you notice a thick white discharge, it is usually a sign that you are ovulating. During this time, you might also notice stretchy and clear discharge.

Ovulation is the particular stage of your menstrual cycle when an egg is released from your ovary. This is the time when you are the most fertile and most likely to get pregnant. Also, just after you are done with your period, you also can notice a brownish discharge.

As per healthcare professionals, it is really common to get white discharge 3 to 5 days after your period comes. As long as your discharge is not yellow, green, or gray, causing irritation, and is not smelly or chunky, you do not need to worry about it.

Still here, I will guide you with each and every piece of information you need to know about discharge before the period.

Discharge Before Period: Possible Reasons

Although white discharge before your period might just be a sign that your usual reproductive system is functioning well, it can also have some other possible triggers. Some might have nothing to worry about.

But, as I have mentioned, a strong smell, irritation, or particularly thick texture can often be a sign of an infection. Here, we will talk about the possible reason behind some unusual discharges.

1. Birth Control

Always remember that birth control always changes our hormone levels. And it leads to more discharge. In case your contraceptive has estrogen, you are most likely to notice more discharge.

2. Pregnancy

Also, white discharge before the period sign of pregnancy. When you are pregnant, your estrogen levels are high, and that is why you can notice white discharge. You might not be able to differentiate it from your regular discharge before your period, but usually, it appears flighty yellow or white in color and might also be sticky.

That doesn’t mean this sign has to be there because you have conceived; there are also some more signs you should look for.

  • Tiredness.
  • Nausea.
  • Aching chest tissue or breast.
  • Missed period.
  • Needing to urinate more often.

3. STI Or Sexually Transmitted Infections

  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Gonorrhea.

These are the STIs which are most likely to bring the change to your normal discharge.

Trichomoniasis and chlamydia discharge might look white in color, but in case you are noticing green or yellow discharge, it is due to gonorrhea discharge.

In case you have gonorrhea or chlamydia, you might also experience pelvic pain, bleeding after penetrative vaginal sex and between periods, and pain while urinating.

On the other hand, Trichomoniasis might also cause irritation around the vagina and pain while urinating or having vaginal sex. I am telling you again discharge with STI might have a fishy smell as well.

There is also a high chance that STI can come with simply no symptoms.

4. Candidiasis Or Yeast Infection

White, thick discharge, which looks similar to cottage cheese, along with a burning or itching sensation in the vagina, can be a sign of vaginal yeast infection. Birth control pills, pregnancy, and antibiotic use can altogether increase the risk of this infection.

In most cases, this happens just before your period hits you. You should know that the same hormonal changes which trigger a period can also be capable of leading to a yeast imbalance in the vagina.

5. Bacterial Vaginosis

It is basically an infection, which happens when the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina changes. The exact reason behind this is unknown. However, it can be linked to using perfumed products in your vagina or near it and having a new sexual partner.

In case you have bacterial vaginosis, and the discharge is the result of it, you will get a fishy smell from your discharge, and the color also will appear white or gray and look watery or thin. However, it has been seen that half of the affected people simply have not a single symptom.

Vaginal Discharge During A Complete Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Cycle

Once your period ends, it is really common and normal to feel dryness in the first 3 to 4 days. After that, you might also experience 3 to 5 days of cloudy, white, or sticky discharge. This particular phase of your menstrual cycle is named the follicular phase.

It is the time when the egg is developing.

Around the particular time of ovulation, lots of watery or stretch and clear discharge is common. It might surprise you to know that you can experience 30 times more than your usual amount of daily discharge.

This specific egg-white discharge is slippery and thin. There is always a reason behind everything that is happening to your body. And the reason behind this slippery discharge is that the sperm will be able to travel smoothly to the waiting egg.

After ovulation, when progesterone takes over the position of the primary hormone, your usual white discharge will return once again. And now, you might see more of the discharge that you noticed earlier in your menstrual cycle.

Gradually the amount of the discharge declined slowly until the discharge became sticky and thicker, a lot similar to glue. In usual cases, this specific mucus discharge lasts for 11 to 14 days on average.

Just before your period is about to hit you hard, the mucus might also look yellow sometimes. During those days, right after you get rid of your period, you might notice a brown discharge that is just old blood leaving your body.

But in case you are seeing brown discharge or blood around the time when you are expecting a period, it might be a sign of implementation in early pregnancy. In case your period is late and you are noticing spots, it is indeed a good idea to take a pregnancy test at home.

Some Other Types Of Possible Discharge

Types Of Possible Discharge

Apart from the usual white discharge, you might notice some other types of discharges as well. Here is a guide for all the possible discharges.

1. Clear Discharge Discharge

This type of discharge is usually normal. You might notice more clear discharge during sexual arousal or following exercise. Pregnancy or ovulation can also be the reason behind this discharge.

2. Gray Discharge

In case you have a grayish discharge, it can be due to BV. It is always recommended to see a doctor in case of gray discharge, and treatment might be necessary.

3. Yellow Or Green

There is no need to worry if you notice a light yellowish discharge. However, in case you have green or dark yellow mucus, it can be because of an infection. There are also some individuals who experience yellow discharge after trying new supplements or food. Still, I will always recommend you consult with your doctor once when you have a greenish or yellowish discharge.

4. Pink Discharge

After intercourse or at the beginning of your period, a pink discharge might occur. All those women with pink discharges that are not related to their periods always must consult a doctor on an immediate basis.

That means the answer to your question, “what does discharge look like before period?” is pink discharge.

5. Red Or Brown Discharge Before Period

In case you are noticing brown or red discharge after a period, this is normal. However, this discharge at other times of your menstrual cycle or brown discharge before period can be a concern that suggests an infection, so consult with your doctor.

Here, I would also like to mention one thing, due to hormonal changes triggered by pregnancy or birth control, you can notice light spotting.

Consult A Doctor!

Consult A Doctor

As I have mentioned earlier, throughout your menstrual cycle, the consistency and color of the vaginal discharge can change. But in case a particular type of discharge persists throughout the entire month, it is always the best option to visit a doctor.

In case you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

  • Rash.
  • Burning or pain around or in the vagina.
  • Frothy or lumpy discharge.
  • Sores.
  • Redness.
  • Swelling.
  • Strong or foul-smelling discharge.

Final Talks

White discharge before the period is completely normal. But you need to consider the texture as well. In order to stay healthy and safe, I will recommend you follow the below-mentioned things.

  • Practice good hygiene.
  • For comfort, use a panty liner.
  • Avoid pantyhose and wear cotton underwear.
  • Wipe from front to back.
  • Avoid using tampons and douching.
  • Take probiotics.
  • Don’t use perfume in and around the vagina.
  • Use barrier contraception.

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